Atlas registration work

Making an atlas using a dataset and a registration network trained using MSE turns out to be relatively straightforward.

In 2D, I produced a colab notebook demonstrating that this works.

There are several questions that need answers, which the 2D work leaves ambiguous:

Whether to optimize the atlas based on the similarity, or the all-up loss

Whether to initialize the atlas randomly, or with the mean of the dataset

Whether to use a penalty on the average displacement of each pixel

Notably, this last strategy works extra well in 2-D, both producing an atlas with close to zero mean displacement as well as regularizing the intensity of the image in the LNCC case.

The LNCC case is relavant: It is needed for cross-modality registration, which marc wants for registering pairs like u

Atlas registration in 3D


Roughly, in 3-D using MSE works well, especially in the setting MSE + mean-initialize + all_loss

However, using LNCC, the results are distinctly cursed, even if mean inititialized. Notably, this happens without crazy intensity drift.

Look at this whacky patella:

Atlas performance in 3D

Using the atlas generated by the mean squares technique, we can compare the performance of the ICON_atlas algorithm using the old, pregenerated atlas to the performance of that same algorithm using the new, icon generated atlas in terms of DICE.

We get the results:

No atlas: (register directly)


Old atlas: (currently in use in oai_analysis_2)

DICE 70.6

New atlas:

DICE 71.6


Regularizing LNCC in 2D

In 2-D, the atlas generated by (rand_init, LNCC, all_loss) looks like this:

The atlas generated by (rand_init, LNCC, all_loss + 40 * squared mean pixel disp) looks like this:

_ The atlas generated by (mean_init, LNCC, all_loss + 900 * squared mean pixel disp) looks like this:

The atlas generated by (mean_init, LNCC, all_loss):

I'm not sure what to make of this: making an atlas out of LNCC seems hard, and the cursed wobbles seem to be a general principle.

side question: is penalizing the mean jacobian more powerful?

finally, we can actually regularize LNCC by (mean_init, LNCC, all_loss + 900 * sq pix disp, extra long training) as demonstrated in this notebook.

notebook for live investigating

Bringing Mean displacement penalty to 3D:

Marc's math:

L(ui)=i=1Nui22=<i=1Nui,i=1Nui> L({u_i}) = \|\sum_{i=1}^N u_i\|_2^2 = <\sum_{i=1}^N u_i, \sum_{i=1}^N u_i >

Then the variation with respect to u_i is:

δL(ui;δui)=2<i=1Nui,δui> \delta L({u_i};\delta u_i ) = 2 <\sum_{i=1}^N u_i, \delta u_i >

And therefore the gradient is:

uiL(ui)=i=1Nui \nabla_{u_i} L({u_i}) = \sum_{i=1}^N u_i


Lung Experiments


DICE of fine tuning highest resolution network for 50 steps on each OAI test pair:


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