Weekly Reports
Aug272024.md "lupus and hong tu todo"May202024.md sks remaining:
Mar202024.md "equivariance of long twostep combo"
Mar142024.md "Post ECCV Research Agenda"
Feb142024.md ""
Feb072024.md ""
Jan242024.md "continued retina experiments"
Jan152024.md "Monai library and equivariance experiments"
Nov292023.md "scale equivariance"
Nov162023.md ""
Oct182023.md "Working equivariant registration"
Sep202023.md "CVPR Equivariance paper"
Sep142023.md "EquivariantTransformer"
Sep042023.md "Semester Start"
Apr292023.md "more equivariance experiments"
Apr142023.md "taylor expansion of equivariance?"
Apr072023.md "Registration Equivariance"
Mar242023.md "Post MICCAI todo"
Feb102023.md "test"
Jan202023.md "InverseConsistencyByConstruction draft next meeting"
Dec132022.md "ConstrICON"
Nov292022.md "Next steps after cvpr?"
Oct042022.md "By Construction ICON, progressive training vs ent to end"
Sep272022.md ""
Sep202022.md "Knee consistent results"
Sep062022.md "eval of ants brain reg"
Aug302022.md "Evaluation Catastrophe"
Aug162022.md "monai + docs"
Jul262022.md "apply atlas to dxa alone"
Jul182022.md "New atlas approach: fixed network + optimize atlas + results"
Jun282022.md "Lung results with rounding to integers"
Jun212022.md "Flagship lung results Augmentation + LNCC + mask"
Mar222022.md "Early lung results and GradICON knee release"
Mar012022.md = "GradICON first knee results"
Feb152022.md "Early Atlas work"